Tuesday, July 15, 2008


Just some pretty plants...

The beaver's handy work!

He sure has been busy...this is just down the road from where we live, we didn't get to see the actual beaver since we couldn't stay too long with Levi but we saw his work all over the place down by the river. It was pretty amazing.

Levi enjoyed trying to eat the tall grass, Jason had to keep a good eye on him =0) That's my boy!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks so much hon for your sweet comment. I am so relieved to be employed again. The family seems really nice and I think God really has a reason for me to be with them. So I'm really excited to see where things lead. I could use your prayer for it though. It always takes some time to get accustomed to a new family.
I can't wait to see the house!!!
Will we get to see it when we're up for Levi's birthday?
I'm so excited about the wedding too :) I've gotten so much planned already and I can't wait for the day to get here. I know the months will pass quickly but it's hard to be patient. I know you know what I'm talking about ;)
Anyways, look forward to talking soon. I love you sis.