We just got back from a really fun trip to Pagosa springs. We went with our good friends Hondo and Trisha Wynn and their almost one year old son, Caleb. Jason and Hondo spent two days skiing in the mountains and Trish and i watched the boys and scrapbooked ! We even traded date nights and soaked in the wonderful hot springs. One of the best parts of the trip was watching Levi and Caleb play together. They are alomst the same size even though they are 7 months apart =) Levi got down on his knees and crawled around with Caleb and little caleb practiced walking! We feel truly blessed with our dear friends and are very sad that they will be moving to slovenia in the spring, although very excited for them and their ministry!
We will miss you guys!!!!

meals were never a boring time...we kept telling levi to copy caleb. Levi is not a very good eater...

Trish and caleb!

I love this one of little duder. He is so precious!

Trish and I took the boys sledding and had a blast! The funniest thing was that the snow was not very stable . We kept sinking in one leg at a time and couldn't stop laughing. It always caught us by surprise!

Levi decided to pull his own sled

We were constantly on the watch with these two. They kept switching cups and trying to get up the stairs, messing with tv and stereo buttons, eating stuff off the floor.. the list goes on and on. But they did really well. We were so proud of them being so good in the long car rides and sharing their toys.

They enjoyed eating the coasters and playing with them.

best pals... what else can I say?