Sunday, November 30, 2008

Handsome as ever...

This is the tux that Levi will be wearing at my sisters wedding next month. He is so handsome in it! It was so funny to watch him prance around in it, he knew everyone was watching and loving it! He also likes to look at pictures of himself so Becky was showing him her pictures on her camera.

Happy Thanksgiving!

This Thanksgiving was very special because we got to celebrate in our new house! We filled it with friends and family and had a wonderful time. Levi did really well with so many people in the house, I think it helped him get over his shyness a little.
My parents brout us a new rocking chair and Levi loves it! This was his face when he realized that it could move=)
Good friends of ours, Joe and Penny Clark came to celebrate with us. It was very special to see them again since they live in Missouri .

My mom fixed my bridesmaid dress while she was here. My sister Becky is getting married three days before Christmas!

Derek and Brittany brought their little dog, Moses. Levi loved him! Poor moses ended up hiding from Levi because he kept bugging him. But it was really fun to watch and Levi was pretty good at being gentle.

Derek and Brittany Banker, good family friends!

My dad and my sister, Anita, couldn't get enough of playing with Levi. He really enjoyed all of the attention!

Levi and Grandpa reading a story. This was very special because Levi is very finicky about who gets to hold him and who doesn't. Grandpa was very proud and even got Levi dressed and changed the two mornings he was here. Thanks Dad!!

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Finally moved in!!

The entry way, one day i'll get around to painting the front door a fun color =0)

I love our doors, they are beautiful. This door especially because it's the door to my awesome pantry!! I've never had one of those before...

the master bath!

I love our tub, i've already used it ! The tile work is fun, mountain scene!

master bedroom. I should have taken a picture of our closet, it is almost as big as our bathroom!

Living room with the sliding glass doors that go out to the deck

Living room, facing the fireplace.

from the entry you see the kitchen bar and the dining room

Kitchen. we are still waiting for our upper cabinets to arrive (they should have been here 8 weeks ago) It's a great kitchen though even without them.

Hickory cabinets

Basement play room. Levi's room and a guest room and bath are down here too but I didnt' take pictures of them yet.
I'll take some more pictures once we've settled a little bit. It will look a lot more like home once we have some pictures on the walls and some furniture to fill it out more. We thought we had a lot of furniture but once we put it in the new house it looks like hardly anything! But hey it will be fun to get some new stuff I guess.
This house is amazing and I'm so proud of Jason for building it in 5 months. I'm really glad it's done and he can go back to his normal work next week. It has been a hard and long 5 months especially since we thought we were moving to a new town right before that but it is worth it. We are certainly blessed and I want to thank all of you who lent a hand and kept us in your prayers. We can't wait to fill this house with people and share what God has given us. Please come visit or just stop by if you're going to the valley. We want our home to be open and a place where people feel welcomed, loved and blessed.
Our marriage survived, although there were a few bumps in the road =0) And Levi is enjoying all the space to run around in. He's barely even touched his toys since we moved in, he's so happy just to look out the glass doors and watch our dog (who is now an outside dog!) and run from room to room. He's also learned to climb down the stairs backwards and loves to just go up and down.
We are looking forward to Thanksgiving in our new home with my family and some friends! We certainly have much to be thankful for. Praise the LORD!!!

Hot! Hot!

I really wished I had this on video but oh well. Levi was so funny. He knows the word "hot" and usually it is associated with his food, so he blows on it to cool it down. Well we were trying to teach him that the heater is hot (don't worry it wasn't actually on at this point), so he goes over to it leans down and starts blowing on it!! It was hilarious, i wish everyone could have seen it. What a smart boy we have =0)

Happy Halloween!!!

Yes that's right, Levi was a carrot! This is what i get for waiting until the day before halloween to buy a costume. Actually it was really cute and he stayed nice and warm in it too. we had fun going downtown to trick or treat with a bunch of our little friends. The whole town is on main street so it's a great time to see friends and laugh at costumes.

Beautiful little Hannah McCrea as Dorothy!

Caleb (the snowman) was quite a trooper too, until he figured out how to take off the costume! All of the little ones were adorable and had a blast!

This is Trish with Caleb, Anna, Abby and Levi and myself. We were all trying to get the free caramel apple, yumm.