Levi has learned to wave bye bye! It is so cute to watch him wave Jason away when he leaves for work! I've noticed that baby's wave bye bye in so many different ways it is really funny. Levi's friend Olivia waves with just her wrist and hand and is so dainty like a princess and soooo cute, and Levi waves with his whole arm! He does everything with enthusiasm, just like his daddy.
Monday, July 28, 2008
Splish Splash!!
Levi loves to splash in water but doesn't like to get his face wet! It's pretty funny to watch, he does the same thing in the bath tub.
Touching sand for the first time! He loved the small waves splashing on his feet! On Sunday we drove to Grand Lake for the day. It was so much fun, even though it was a little cloudy and not warm enough to go swimming, we still enjoyed just playing a little bit in the water. Levi was a trooper all day. He didn't fuss in the car and he ate and played at the resteraunt for lunch. We sure are blessed to have such a happy baby!
Ready to study!
I got this adorable desk and chair at a garage sale the other day! I can't wait to put it in Levi's new bedroom, although I did have to promise Jason that I wouldn't go and buy anything else for the house until it was done since we don't have anywhere to store stuff yet. He he...but hey for $3 how could I resist?
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
What a Boy!
Oh and I am proud to say that he is half way weaned. He still nurses in the morning and evening but throughout the day he just eats his solids and drinks his juice! We are still trying to get him to drink cow's milk but so far he's not interested.
Our House!
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
Levi loves his Panda that my dad got for him in China. When you ask "where is Panda?" he'll go and look for him. It is so cute to watch. I am constantly amazed at how many words this little dude understands. So far he knows: ball, panda, high five, milk, juice, nap, dadda, mamma, I'm going to get you, and probably more. It is so fun to play and show him new things every day.
Saturday, July 12, 2008
Levi's Balloon!!
Levi got this balloon as a gift and he loves it! He was laughing like crazy until I brought out the video camera, then he got all quiet. Go figure...
Monday, July 7, 2008
THis shows the basement entry and the upstairs master suite and living room. The big opening is for sliding glass doors that will lead out on to a big deck.
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
Hilton news...
Well our life is never boring that is for sure. Jason has been working hard on our addition (i'll post those pictures later on). The basement is framed now and they hope to have the rest framed by the weekend and ready for trusses by early next week. It is so fun to watch it actually happen! we had to wait quite a while for the concrete to get done since we were subing it out but eventually it got done.
Levi is almost 11 months old and I can hardly believe it. He weighs 16.5 lbs and is 28" . He is still not on the growth chart for his weight but he is growing and is very healthy. He loves to eat and so far I haven't really found anything that he doesn't like, he's kind of like his daddy in that way =0)
My summer has consisted of hiking, going to the swimming pool, hanging out with my girlfriends and doing a lot of paper work for the house and business. I'm enjoying the nice weather and I love taking Levi out with me.
Time flies when you're having fun!!
Levi is almost 11 months old and I can hardly believe it. He weighs 16.5 lbs and is 28" . He is still not on the growth chart for his weight but he is growing and is very healthy. He loves to eat and so far I haven't really found anything that he doesn't like, he's kind of like his daddy in that way =0)
My summer has consisted of hiking, going to the swimming pool, hanging out with my girlfriends and doing a lot of paper work for the house and business. I'm enjoying the nice weather and I love taking Levi out with me.
Time flies when you're having fun!!
Germany arrives!
My mom was so happy to get to see her family again especially that they came here to America for the first time! I'll post a few more pictures of our time with them once I get them from my mom's camera. Their english is very limited and some of them don't know any at all so Jason was a little out of the loop but he did well. We translated a lot and he just got to relax while we were with them.
Jason's Birthday!
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